I have no special talent,

I am Passionately curious.

Hi my name is Zulkifli Mohamad. I am a Singapore based Graphic Designer, who graduated from Temasek Poly with a diploma in Communications Design and have a specialist diploma in Integrated Digital Communication.

Throughout the years I have help hundred over clients across the country by empowering design concepts and strategies on digital platforms through humane experiences using social media, electronic direct mailers (EDMs) and web banners.

As a lifelong daydreamer, my passion in curiosity has shaped the designer I am today. I make design matter and value empathy, consistency and adaptability. I believe every good brand has their own personality, it's a matter of how and what they do to be recognised and to be remembered meaningfully as a brand.

Apart from designing, I love to spend my time shredding my guitar to metal music, playing video games or watching football (Arsenal fan here) with my brother and most importantly nothing can top it off by spending most of it with my loving wife.

view my resume here: www.linkedin.com/in/zulkiflimohamad